Competitive Gymnastics
Classes aged 5+ to Adult

"Jump off the beam, flip off the bars, follow your dreams, and reach for the stars!"
We welcome all gymnasts to be assessed for an Infinity Squad program, whether your child is a practising gymnast or cheerleader or new to the sport.
Infinity Squad classes:
- offer a vibrant competitive program.
- cater to all ages from 5 +.
- start from pre-levels and foundation levels.
- accomodate all ages.
- deliver a clear pathway through the National Levels program.
- help your child achieve at the higher levels.
- give your child the opportunity to excel in a fast track squad.
Having a strong track record of success, our accomplished team strive to deliver a positive and fun training environment, while working towards your child's goals.
If you are interested in high performance gymnastics, check out Infinity Elite.
Entry into an Infinity Squads is by assessment only.